How to recompile

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  Since all this stuff is on CD, you can not recompile these things 
  directly from here. So I would suggest to you that you copy the whole 
  directory of this guide to your HD. 
  As minimum is required: 
                          - the complete project directory of your choice 
                          - and the directory SC. 
  These both must be placed in one drawer! 
  The "SC" directory contains a headerfile (sdi_std.h) and an objectfile 
  (sdi_std.o) to use RawDoFmt(),... as replacement for the mostly used 
  string functions and some ctype functions. You may use them as normal 
  if you define SDI_TO_ANSI, but you can not include the files then which 
  does contain the real ANSI functions and you have to take care then if 
  you use a xprintf function that you only supply formatting signs of 
  RawDoFmt() (see Autodoc/HotHelp what is allowed there). 
  If you want take a look in the  sdi_std.h...  
  Even if you do install these files to your SC: drawer within this, 
  you have to copy the drawer SC as well, or you must 
  change the files of the project (smakefile, include files) to set the 
  right path to these files. 
  This files are created by Dirk Stoecker - Author of XPK,... 
  (and forgive me... - renamed by me :) ) and are supplied within the 
  source of XPK (Public Domain). 

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